Wednesday, May 17, 2023

There is Hope in Christ, and my testimony

For the last few years, I've struggled with some severe OCD, Depression, and some physical challenges as well.

You get so fearful of doing the wrong thing that you go to extremes.

In part due to mental illness, I became worried about some concerns on this blog, and despite partially resolving them, on a whim, I deleted every post on it. Over 2,500 posts. And it wasn't due to lack of testimony, but for other reasons.

And I started to engage in the work of the Lord in other ways.

But things haven't been the same.

I'm sad about that now. This blog has been a labor of love for over a decade, and due to some mental illness and other reasons, most of the posts are gone.

To any of you who are struggling with mental illness, please know that there is hope and healing out there. Family History can help with that.

Testimony: I wanted to just post something now and share my testimony, and some insights from the past few years.

I know God lives, and that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer.

His love is there for you if you will just reach out to him for it.

As I have engaged in the work of the Lord, and immersed myself in the Gospel of Christ, I have found a renewal of hope in him, and as Alma, have felt to sing the song of redeeming love at times in between the darkness that has seemed to envelop me (Alma 5).

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is God's church on the earth. Russell M Nelson is God's Prophet on this earth at this time, and there are Apostles and Prophets and disciples of Christ who are called of God.

Authority to minister in holy callings has been restored as well. God's Authority has been restored.

I have felt the power of the Lord to heal our hearts, minds, bodies, and all else. And even though we go through trials, and we still sometimes have to face the darkness, we have the light of Life, even the Light of the World, Jesus Christ, to light our way.

Our leaders have stated that if we will focus on Christ, and make him the center of our lives, we will have his promises that he makes to Covenant Israel, which are outlined both in the temple, in the scriptures, and in the words of Modern-Day Prophets.

One thing I have experienced as well is that as I have read and reread the talks of President Nelson, I have found the peace of Christ, and have found a helpful roadmap to help get me through the rough times.

And I've become a better person in Christ. It has placed me more solidly on the covenant path.

One last bit, and that will be enough for now. Please, with all my heart, I encourage you to attend the temple, and engage in Family History Work and or Missionary Work.

It will be the Light in your world if you do. And this because of promises in the Scriptures from the Light of the World, even Jesus Christ.  

This blog will most likely have some reflections of mine over the past three years.

The invitation to all is to Come unto Christ.

Find out more at the website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

To close, here is a place you can view the first video of the Savior's Appearance in the Americas.

Picture is mine, taken years ago.