This post has two parts. First, as we see escalating attacks in the media and in person against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I have often marveled at the intensity and the frequency of these new attacks.
I won't mention them here, but I'm reminded that the Savior hasn't come again yet in part because there is still work to do.
And as it was with Paul, would not some of God's greatest works be from within the ranks of who we might think is our enemy?
Elder Anderson last Conference (Following Jesus, being a peacemaker) reminded us of a quote given by then Elder (Now President) Russel M Nelson back in 1994 (Teach us Tolerance and Love), which reads:
"Cannot boundary lines exist without becoming battle lines?"
We know that God will overcome all before he comes. However, perhaps we should pray for those who attack the church.
I do mean that. Did not the Lord say, "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you" (Matthew 5:44)?
And the promise is "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 5:45). So we become more of who we need to become.
There are many things you could pray for. Here are a few examples.
1. Pray for their hearts to soften. The Lord did that many times in the Book of Mormon (Topical Guide, Soften).
2. Pray that the evil designs of the adversary might be thwarted. It is prophesied many times in holy writ that they eventually will be.
3. Pray that the work might continue on, and that more might come into the fold.
Then, the second part of this, after you pray about it, find some way to engage in the work of the Lord.
Go to the temple, focus on your church calling, spread the gospel, do some family history.
Try not to spend much of your time focusing on these negative things that can cause us to live in fear or anger, because that can become your reality, even if it is not the view the Lord wants you to have. He wants us to focus on him, as President Nelson has encouraged us to do several times.
Focusing on the negative can skew our thinking so that we worry that evil will win. We need to change our focus.
As we will focus more on the Lord, and do his work, we will be the recipients of promises such as "angels round about us to bear us up" (Doctrine and Covenants 84:88).
As we will spend our times focusing on our church callings, on member missionary work, Temple and Family History work, Service, and many other good things, we can have the blessings promised in the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood (Doctrine and Covenants 84:33-44).
We can have our own bit of heaven on earth, and our souls will feel of the power and love of the Lord. We will be a light to others. And the darkness of the world will not seem so oppressive.
Then we will have a better perspective. We will have more faith. We will have more confidence in the Lord's plan.
And we will be less alarmed by attacks on the church.
Follow the Prophets and Apostles. They will not lead us astray.
Closing, testimony, and the example of the Master: This Church is true, and is the Church of Jesus Christ again restored to the earth, never again to be taken away.
God loves each of his children. And I believe as we pray for those who are against the church, we become more like the Savior, who on the cross, in agony, prayed for the soldiers, saying "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34).
And even if they do know what they do, the God of all will not let them thwart this work. And we can engage in it peacefully, with hope and faith, and with a focus on Christ. Not on the opposition.
General Conference is coming up. Prepare for it by reading or watching talks from Last General Conference.
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